Caring for your Polished Concrete Floors
0-72 hrs after completion:
The floor needs time to ‘breath’, so we recommend to refrain from covering the floor with any plastics, or non breathable coverings (acrylic rugs) within the first three days or so. Breathable products such as Ramboard or natural fibre Persian rugs are possibly ok after two days. However, best to consult us first ;)
3 days - 5/7yrs:
Floors will generally remain amazing if well cared for. Our Mechanically Polished Concrete floors are finished with an impregnating sealer and are stain resistant, not stain proof. Spills will need to be cleaned relatively quickly, especially anything acidic such as red wine, lemon juice, vinegar and definitely puppy pee, as these substances may react to the chemicals in mechanically polished concrete finished floors and will stain if left too long.
After 5-7 years, or when required, we recommend to re-seal the floor to maintain its stain resistant properties, this is an easy process and doesn’t take long.
DO’s :
Use pH neutral products such as warm soapy water or specific mechanically polished concrete floor cleaners
Our recommended cleaning products: “Worx Plus Totally Care” available from Worx Plus. “C2 Clean” available from All Preparation Equipment.
DO NOT’s :
Do NOT use tape on the floor. Ever. Unless that part of the floor will be hidden.
Do NOT use acids, bleaches, or aggressive cleaning products, including vinegar.
Do NOT leave water sitting under protective cover such as Ramboard
The following substances stain both before and after polishing so take caution using these products on/near your concrete: oils, coffee, tea, wood stain, wood tannins, (rain can cause tannins from wood furniture to leak and stain the floor).